After a serious accident in a closed cave only one person survives
A couple buy a beautiful home in an upper-class neighbourhood where a murder-suicide occur
奧利維·耶阿布([邊境惡警])將打造全新影片[暴怒](Furie,暫譯)。該片由保羅·艾米([鳥類學家])、阿達瑪·尼安([ Le Gang des Antillais])以及斯特
If the mysterious plague sweeping the nation wasn’t bad enough, Dean is still going ahead
伊格·佩西斯(丹尼爾·雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 飾)和梅琳·威廉姆斯(朱諾·坦普爾 Juno Temple 飾)是一對自幼青梅竹馬的男女朋友,但在一年前的某天,
新警長一家住進了免費的一個很大的老房子里,但里面卻有....The new town sheriff moves into a large creepy old house wit
萊昂納(芭芭拉·斯坦威克 Barbara Stanwyck 飾)是銜著金湯匙出生的富家千金,因為她的神經非常的脆弱纖細,導致她只能整日臥病在床,和外界唯一的聯系就是一臺電話。這一天
In 2022, filmmaker Dillon Brown set out with Green Beret and wilderness survival expert, M
Three college students stumble upon a secret television broadcast of a deceased serial kil
When an unknown assailant preys on a haunted hotel's patrons, an event planner teams up wi
現年32歲的瘦弱女子愛麗絲·伊萬斯(布萊特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy 飾)是一個小有名氣的編劇,由于當年和男友的紛爭,造成愛麗絲神經容易緊張,無法專心工作。眼看截稿日
When a party bus on its way to Burning Man filled with a bunch of sexy young adults breaks
2023 / 泰國 / Cheezecake,Jariya,Jarupong,Kluaymaingam,Kovit,Wattanakul,Pharunyoo,Rojanawuttitham,Jack,Ra
Lucjan is a theatre actor whose health is failing. He forgets his lines on stage and feels
To honor their sister's dying wish, siblings must venture deep into the haunted woods to r
A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker
A group of cooks at an asylum for the criminally insane get locked in with the inmates dur