一年前,德州女孩妮可·卡洛(詹米·亞歷山大 Jaimie Alexander 飾)與男友杰西·希爾斯(喬伊·曼迪西諾 Joey Mendicino 飾)在前往洛杉磯的途中神秘失蹤,
《細菌浩劫》是Hal Barwood執導的科幻片,薩姆·沃特森和凱瑟琳·奎南出演,該片講述了 美國軍方將一個細菌武器實驗室偽裝成農業科技實驗室,秘密研究某種超級病菌的故事。在一個以
一位名為Mister Sleep的殺手對一群失眠患者展開了可怕的追殺,他認為這些人偷走了屬于他的記憶。
20世紀70年代,蘇格蘭警官豪伊( 愛德華·伍德華德 飾)收到一封信,信中稱蘇格蘭西海岸的一個小島——夏島上的女孩羅恩·莫里森失蹤已久,并向他求助破案。豪伊來到夏島展開調查,發現島
?znur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since childhood to Kudre
The destination of Emily Wolf, the host of a travel show's next episode happens to be in r
In 2022, filmmaker Dillon Brown set out with Green Beret and wilderness survival expert, M
Three college students stumble upon a secret television broadcast of a deceased serial kil
When an unknown assailant preys on a haunted hotel's patrons, an event planner teams up wi
現年32歲的瘦弱女子愛麗絲·伊萬斯(布萊特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy 飾)是一個小有名氣的編劇,由于當年和男友的紛爭,造成愛麗絲神經容易緊張,無法專心工作。眼看截稿日
When a party bus on its way to Burning Man filled with a bunch of sexy young adults breaks
2023 / 泰國 / Cheezecake,Jariya,Jarupong,Kluaymaingam,Kovit,Wattanakul,Pharunyoo,Rojanawuttitham,Jack,Ra
Lucjan is a theatre actor whose health is failing. He forgets his lines on stage and feels
To honor their sister's dying wish, siblings must venture deep into the haunted woods to r
A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker
A group of cooks at an asylum for the criminally insane get locked in with the inmates dur